Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to configure BlackBerry As Modem(Maxis) using Blackberry Desktop

BlackBerry can be used like an external modem for a laptopcomputer to let your laptop can have full Internet access. This is useful when you need to do certain important thingsonline using your laptop at location without any WIFI connection.

In order to connect to Internet on your laptop using the blackberry as a modem, you need to have the Blackberry Desktop Manager software installed on your computer. You can get theBlackberry Desktop Manager from the installer CD that come with your Blackberry or you can download it from BlackBerry Software Download page.

After install Blackberry Desktop Manager software, you must set up your modem connection settings to create a profile.

Please make sure you Connect your BlackBerry to the computer using a USB cable and follow below steps to setup the profile:-

  • Launch your Blackberry Desktop Manager software

  • Click IP Modem

  • click Configure to configure your profile

  • In the Connection Profile drop-down list select your service provide. Click OK. In this case, i’m using Maxis-3G. Note: If you want to continue using your device as a modem after you close theBlackBerry Desktop Manager, select the “Keep an IP Modem connection open after the BlackBerry Desktop Manager is closed” check box.

  • In Connection Settings ensure the Current connection profile is set as your Wireless Carrier. After that, click Connect button to connect

  • Once you successfully connect to Internet, the Internet connection status is displayed on the lower-left area of the screen.??


kunkun-laptop .... ;)