Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to shutdown in Windows XP using command line

Shutdown is a very useful command that can help your daily administrative task. This program allows you to restart or shutdown your local or remote computers.

To access shutdown command, simply go to DOS command prompt by clicking on Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt or Start -> Run and then type in cmd to launch a command prompt window.

Below are the few example on how to use Shutdown command:-

To reboot the computer:

shutdown -r

To restart computer immediately:

shutdown -r /t 0

Note: T0 restart immediately, use the /t 0 option. The /t 0 option ensures that a time-out period of 0 (zero) seconds is used before the command is executed. /t can be set between 0 and 600 seconds (0 and 10 minutes).

To shutdown a computer:

shutdown -s

Note: By default there is a 30 second delay with all SHUTDOWNcommands, this at least gives you a short window to use the abort command to stop a shutdown if you’ve made a typing mistake.

To abort/cancel shutdown:

shutdown -a

To shutdown computer immediately:

shutdown /p

To shutdown Remote computer immediately:

shutdown /m \\remotecomputername /s /t 0

To Hibernate computer:

The following command will execute a hibernation directive and will within 30 seconds begin a hibernation and shutdown action:

shutdown /h

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kunkun-laptop .... ;)